Grand Canyon Part 3: Plateau Point

It’s day two of my backpacking trip in the Grand Canyon. I’ve set up camp at Havasupai Garden, and the rain, hail, and wind that drove me into my tent for an early afternoon nap has passed overhead. I’m heading out for a hike along the Tonto Platform to overlook the inner canyon from Plateau Point, 1.5 miles from the campground.

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Grand Canyon Part 2: Up is Harder

Picking up my backpacking trip to the Grand Canyon: I hiked down the South Kaibab trail in one day and camped by the river at Bright Angel Campground. Now I have to hike back up the 4340 feet and 9.5 miles to the rim on Bright Angel trail.

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My comfort zone is at sea level

Yesterday I received from my employer an auto-generated email congratulating me on my third work anniversary. Since I took up skiing the last time I was between jobs, that means it’s been just over three years since I started learning. This trip down memory lane is relevant because right now I’m in Snowbird, Utah looking down slopes both longer and steeper than I’m used to and reminding myself that I do this for fun.

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2019 Recap

February is the ideal time to hit the highlights of the previous year. Why? Everybody else publishes their top 10 lists and year in review listicles in December, and it’s so hard to compete with that kind of crowd. Also, I didn’t start blogging until February.

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